Past Conferences
2023: OWHN Conference and AGM [2023 Program]
2022: OWHN Conference and AGM [2022 Program]
2021: OWHN’s 30th Anniversary Celebration [2021 Program]
2019: Gender and Health History [2019 Program]
2018: Exhibiting Gender: Telling Her Stories Exposer le genre : raconter ses histoires [Program PDF] [Poster PDF]
2017: Indigenous Women and Education [Program PDF]
2016: Women and ‘Booze’: Pubs, Prohibition, and Temperance [Program PDF]
2015: Women and the First World War [Program PDF]
2013: Enticing Entrées to Women’s History [Program PDF]
2012: Women and the War of 1812 [Program PDF]
2011: Canadian Women and the Second World War [Program PDF]
2010: Second Wave Feminism [Program PDF]
2009: The Persons Case and Canadian Women’s Political Activism [Program PDF]