Call for Papers / Save the date

This year’s Ontario Women’s History Network conference will be held in London on October 25-26 at Museum London. Always a wonderful chance to network and to hear about the latest in women’s history, this year’s conference will examine the theme of the history of women and health, broadly defined. There will be opportunities to tour […]

2018 Annual Conference

In October 2018, OWHN/RHFO held its annual conference at the beautiful Canadian Museum of History (CMH) in Gatineau, P.Q. The Conference theme was “Exhibiting Gender: Telling Her Stories.” Participants explored women’s representation in the new History Hall and other museum exhibits. Thanks to CMH agreeing to be a co-host of the conference, it was possible […]

Wine, Waterfalls and Women

The Finger Lakes region in upper New York State is replete with long, deep lakes, old forests, tumbling waters, miles of vineyards, and last, but not least, women’s rights. I have been vacationing in the area ever since I participated in a conference at the Women’s Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, where the First […]